Monday, November 18, 2019

Creation Myths of Religion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Creation Myths of Religion - Research Paper Example For example, big bang theory succeeded partially in explaining the evolution of universe. But it failed to give an accurate account about the creation of matter in this universe. It says that hydrogen clouds and dust particles were there earlier which transformed in to this universe after lot of expansions, contractions and explosions. Religions on the other hand have better explanations about the origin of this universe. Religions believe in the superpower of God and they have no doubt in assuming that God has created this universe. However, different religions believe in different Gods. Moreover, religions have different opinions about the methods adopted by the God for the creation of this universe. This paper analyses religious views about the creation of this universe. Christians believe that God created the universe and the entire things in the universe including living and nonliving things. They believe that God has three different forms; father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Even though Father created the entire universe, Son got the authority to look after the people in this universe. In Genesis first and second chapters of Holy Bible, the creation incidents were mentioned. According to the information available in these chapters, God created this universe and the whole things available in this universe. Initially the earth was shapeless; however, God gave shape to this universe with the creation of water and other land objects. The darkness of this universe was removed by God with the creation of light. â€Å"God said, "Let there be light". And there was light. God divided the day from the night, naming them day and night. This was the first day and God saw that it was good† (Creation Stories).The creation continued till the seventh day. On the second day God created heavens which separate water from earth. Same way God created dry land, plants, animals and other living things in the following

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